Affects, Interfaces, Events Symposium at Aarhus University, August 2018

I recently exhibited my VR artwork, Imperceptible Dance, at Godsbanen, Aarhus as part of the AIE Symposium, ran by Aarhus University.

This piece consists of two iterations, the first is a 3D scan of my sculpture, Young Dancer aged Fourteen, which enables the participant to step inside the geometric rendition of the body. This artwork explores the paradox of embodiment and disembodiment in Virtual Reality.

The second piece is a virtual sculpture park, where the immersant is able to wander around the space, encountering sculptures both large and small, whilst listening to the sussarstions of the leaves, the murmuring of water and the rustling of grasses.

This work is a collaboration with sound artist, Ana Rutter, who has produced the multi layered soundscape. We are working on a further iteration, where the sounds will bounce off the sculptures so that the participant has an embodied experience of space.

Sophie Hedderwick